September 23rd, 2022 - Go!Bots are fun NFTs that are not only cool to collect, but hold so many cool perks a properties! This article will discuss and describe a little bit about Go!Bots!
To start, Go!Bots can be minted by the user HERE! There are many reasons to own them! Not only are they super cool digital collectibles, they also hold a great value! For instance, when you mint a Go!Bot, you get 6 months of Telehealth for FREE! To put that into perspective, one month of Telehealth is $30, so you are essentially saving $180 on a Telehealth plan just by owning a Go!Bot
There are 18 other perks of owning a Go!Bot, which we have a Medium blog describing each perk! Go!Bots hold great value and can be benefitial to your health! They also give the user the ability to earn $HLTHY!
What is $HLTHY?
$HLTHY is Health Hero's native utility token that will allow token holders to gain access to health services such as telehealth plans and cash-back for healthy purchases. It will also allow our users to purchase, rent, transfer, and craft in-game items
About Health Hero
Health Hero is a modern health engagement and telehealth company that rewards people for their health. Health Hero allows users to log healthy activities, participate in global challenges, and compete in fun and engaging leaderboards across multiple chat platforms, web, mobile, and SMS. Health Hero's W-NFT is an innovative approach to digital well-being assets where users get rewarded with NFT's that they can sell, trade, or buy.